Pastor Josh Williams

Join us this Sunday at 9:30 & 11:00am as Pastor Josh continutes on in this new series! You won't want to miss this one. Click below to listen to past installments of this series! 


First Timothy: Church Conduct

Join us again in January, Sunday at 9:30 & 11:00am, as Pastor Josh continutes this new series! Although the Christian life is not a list of do's and don'ts, God has laid out a freeing and powerful order for the local church! Learn with us how God has set up an amazing system within the local body of believers! 

Future Generation Wednesdays

Look back at previous Wednesdays @ 6:30pm for a unique walk through the Bible as men called to future ministry present what the Lord has laid on their hearts!  


Hey there! Pastor Josh preaches powerful and encouraging messages each week! The Lord has gifted him to take deep truths and make them understandable to every age group. He stays faithful to the Word of God without adding anything to it, nor dimishing anything from it. We know that you will be blessed and built up in Christ from his preaching ministry at Crosspoint!